Dream Deals


Who we are..

Dream Deals aims at maintaining transparency with its clients, defining a set of processes for healthy relationships in the journey of growth and success. A marketing information system is provided from our end to make them understand how database, management, and information are in sync. We focus on Neuromarketing thus measuring physiological and neural signals to gain insight into customers’ motivations, preferences, and decisions, which can help inform creative advertising, product development, pricing, and other marketing areas.

Among various services we provide, Real estate industry being one of the most profitable niches, we possess the expertise of 2 decades dealing approximately over 4000 crores worth of property. Which includes 200 crores worth of deal for Loka developers – Madhavaram, 240 crores deal with Ascendas Singapore – Pallavaram, Mannur-100crores, and many more profitable deals for corporates and individuals. Satisfying more than 3000 happy customers.

As a matter of fact, many real estate companies  have exquisite projects but have less percentage of sales resulting in huge loss. Any organization prospers with the increase in sales. We at Dream Deals help you with end-to-end sales and marketing of your products and projects with our industry-best experts and strategy. We provide an assured project closure date with end-to-end marketing and closure bills without any delay. We have expertise in building a community of growth and success making your business prosper. Brand value is one of the most important deciding factors of a business. Based on the financial amount the brand is, stated on the brand’s balance sheet, our Brand value professionals evaluate every aspect. Where in the brand equity is the perception of consumers and how they feel about the brand, is valued. Your brand equity is analysed and your brand value is increased eventually.



Percentage sales

The percentage of sales approach is a forecasting model that uses sales data to produce financial projections. Cost of goods sold and accounts receivable are both expressed as a proportion of sales in financial statements.


Segment Sales

The practice of creating diverse marketing strategies to appeal to customers with varied demands, interests, budgets, or other characteristics is known as sales segmentation. It entails determining which groups of your potential consumer base are most likely to buy your products or services.


Complete Sales

The operational ratio compares a company's total operating expenses to net revenues to determine how efficient its management is. A low operating ratio is seen as a positive indicator since it suggests that operating expenditures are becoming a smaller percentage of net sales.


Sales Ownership & In-house Teams

If you don’t have the right experience, how can you expect to hire a sales team that meets your expectations? As the owner or CEO of your business, you might understand the B2B purchase decision process, and you have a good handle on your B2B pipeline. Let DreamDeals take care of it.


What you can do with Dream Deals

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Branding & Design Services Perfect For You

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Pellentesque habitant

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Vestibulum quis

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Cras imperdiet nulla

Adipiscing elit ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis pulvinar